Will Koenig
Device Controller
A React Native application deployed to iPads throughout the lab a...
Music Dashboard
A full stack react app that keeps track of the music that I liste...
Cron Syntax Helper
A static website deployed in an AWS s3 bucket that can check user...
Just Notes
A full stack note-taking application developed with the MERN stac...
Algo Visualizer
A React application that demonstrates the steps taken by differen...
Written Numbers
A neural network that I implemented without the use of any predef...
Upgrade Management
An airline upgrade system that efficiently manages the priority o...
Command Line 2048
A python program that allows you to play 2048. This was an exerc...
Personal Portfolio
This website! I built this website from scratch and I am continu...
Space Invaders
A web app that enables the user to play space invaders and record...
Will Koenig